23-26 11 2017
International Contemporary Art Fair

2017. október 19. 17 óra
A Magyar Képzőművészek és Iparművészek Szövetsége és a Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum szervezésében megrendezésre kerül a IV. szobrász biennálé DIMENZIÓK című kiállítása. A kiállítás megtekinthető 2017. december 3-ig, hétfő kivételével minden nap 10 és 17 óra között.
www.muzeumcentrum.hu / www.mkisz.hu

III. Óbudai Képzőművészeti Tárlat
2017. november 16-án, 16 órától!
Az Esernyős Galéria rendezésében megrendezésre kerül a III. Óbudai Képzőművészeti Tárlat, SZINDBÁD-ÓBUDA címmel.
A kiállítás megtekinthető 2017. december 22-ig.
info: www.esernyosgaleria.hu
1033 Budapest, Fő tér 2.
Köszöntőt mondd Bús Balázs polgármeste
Megnyitja: Szucsik József képzőművész
Közreműködik: Fehér Zsombor (Kerekes Band)

START Art Fair
10 – 13 September 2015
Delivering a high profile platform for emerging artists and new art scenes from around the world, is a new annual art fair that takes place across all three floors of the Saatchi Gallery in London. By providing an elegant environment with museum-quality spaces, START aims to shine a spotlight on emerging artists and new art scenes, creating a program that enables collectors, curators and the greater public to discover new artistic talent.

START Art Fair
Nov 12th – 15th 2015
The ground and first floors at Saatchi Gallery will host 38 galleries from across the globe – with representation from cities that range from Seoul to New York, Cape Town to Riga – all of whom will showcase the best of their gallery rosters with an emphasis on artists who are new to London.

Contemporary Istanbul 2015
Nov 12th – 15th 2015
Contemporary Istanbul, the 10th edition of the region’s leading art fair and its series of innovative programming, takes place from 12–15 November 2015 at the Istanbul Congress Centre (ICC) and Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Centre (ICEC). Today Contemporary Istanbul kicks off the fair with its invitation-only preview, allowing guests to enjoy a first glimpse of the exhibitions and projects.
For its landmark 10th anniversary, Contemporary Istanbul brings together more than 700 artworks and 102 leading and emerging galleries from 28 cities across 24 countries, including 23 galleries that are taking part for the first time.

ART 16 London - Stand E2
19-22 May 2016
We are delighted to inform you that the gallery is returning to London to participate at ART16, London's global art fair, for the 4th time. We cordially invite you to visit the event. It would be a great pleasure for us to meet you at our stand where we will exhibit brand new sculptures of Áron MAJOROS.